Our Manifesto
For Node, people are not “resources.” People are the starting point, the path, and the purpose of any successful organization. If you empty a company of resources, it stumbles but keeps going. If you empty it of people, it simply ceases to exist!
Taking care of people must be part of the day-to-day responsibility of everyone who has responsibility for people, and not delegated to a department or consultancy. That’s why our fundamental role is to work towards becoming unnecessary. And for that, we are rigorous in building solutions that provoke responsibility, autonomy, and engagement, with knowledge transfer, not dependence.
How people impact businesses?
The greater the engagement, the greater the value generated from your team and greater the growth*.
Companies with high level of engagement are:
How we impact businesses?
Finding talent
We recruit skilled professionals with shared values. Good people.
Mapping problems
We understand the engagement gaps and help you trace an action plan
Developing people
We develop your leaders to be their own "HR", no fuss
Boosting processes
We develop fundamental people management processes to accelerate your business in a sustainable way.
How do we select good people?
Recruiting of good people with focus on building long term relationships through cultural immersions and meticulous evaluations.
Cultural assessments
Doing a cultural assessment to learn the atraction points, core values and expected behaviors of our clients.
Selection by competency
Interviewing people with assessment tools and techniques.
Testing and References check
Performing technical tests and references checks to guarantee expertise and reduce risks.
A complete diagnosis to measure engagement, understand gaps, and co-create solutions.
How do we make a diagnosis?
Kickoff meeting, survey setup and awareness campaings
Survey launch and answers follow-up
Data interpretation and reports
Action Plan
Discussion, solutions design e results presentation
A leadership development program focused in market references, culture discussions and collaborative solutions to deal with day-to-day challenges people may face.
How do we develop leadership?
Running a diagnostic to prioritize development points.
Group Meetings
Organizing periodic group meetings to inspire leadership with best practices and lead them to practical solutions.
Individual Follow-up
Conducting Individual coach sessions to remove barriers and correct course.
Impact Measurement
Measuring the impact of the program and leadership progress.
A leadership development program focused in market references, culture discussions and colaborative solutions to deal with day to day challenges people may face.
How do we boost your business?
Diagnosing engagement level and management maturity.
Hiring a trainee to develop people processes and transfer knowledge.
Developing processes based on an engagement framework critical to manage results and grow sustainably.
Value chain
Building a complete value chain with atraction, motivation, development, performance and retention processes.
Impact Measurement
Measuring program impact and trainee development.
Reach Us
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